Webinar: Modern Slavery update


Our team of experts discussed the key compliance obligations under the Modern Slavery Act, the latest changes to reporting deadlines and what organisations need to do to be ready.

In this webinar recording Rami Eltchelebi and Kerry McGoldrick along with Associate Professor Shelley Marshall, Director of Centre for Business and Human Rights at RMIT University, and Dr. Darian McBain, Global Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Thai Union covered the following topics:

  • Insights on conducting human rights due diligence to provide the information needed to report on how risks are being identified, managed and mitigated
  • First-hand business experience in dealing with modern slavery risks and how to develop an integrated approach to sustainability reporting
  • Obligations under the Modern Slavery Act, including the seven mandatory criteria to be addressed in every modern slavery statement
  • Approach and timeline for meeting the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act
  • The Australian Border Force’s guidance on addressing the impact of COVID-19 in modern slavery statements.

Contact us

Rami Eltchelebi

E [email protected]

Kerry McGoldrick

E [email protected]

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