Commercial considerations for financial reporting


For those in real estate investment, the financial reporting period for the year ending 30 June 2020 will bring back memories. Many will refer to the anecdotes of 2008 during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) assuming ‘what was old, will be new again’. Twelve years on from the GFC, the issues may be similar however reporting standards have changed.

Since the GFC, we’ve seen the introduction of two key accounting standards impacting the sector, AASB 9 Financial Instruments and AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement. We’ve also seen the arrival of globally adopted valuation standards. Our experts have put together our Top 10 commercial considerations for financial reporting in the real estate investment sector.

Get in touch

Our specialist advisory team, who work every day with their clients on these issues are here to help you navigate through this reporting cycle. Whether it be supporting organisations to understand the impact of commercial issues on financial reporting, preparing advice and technical position papers, calculations, disclosures, financial statements we can help. Rami Eltchelebi E [email protected] René  Muller E [email protected]

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