Director Identification Numbers
As of November 2021, all company directors will need to apply for a Director identification number (Director ID). This is part of new requirements implemented by the Australian Government.
A Director identification number is a unique identifier and has been introduced to prevent the false or fraudulent use of directors’ identities.
Who needs to Apply for a Director ID
You need a Director ID if you are an “eligible officer” of:
- a company, a registered Australian body or a registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act)
- an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act)
- Charity or not-for-profit organisation that is a company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation, for instance public companies limited by guarantee
- Director of Incorporated Associations which have an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN) – an incorporated association that is registered with ASIC and trades outside of the state or territory in which it is incorporated will be affected even if they are not ACNC registered.
An eligible officer is a director or an alternate director who is acting in that capacity.
There is provision for other types of officers to be prescribed by regulation so there may be further changes to this in the future.
When to apply for a Director ID
The Director ID application will be available from November 2021, with transitional arrangements for existing and new directors. When you need to apply for a Director ID will depend on when you become a director, as set out below:
Date person becomes an eligible officer | Must apply |
On or before 31 October 2021 | By 30 November 2022 |
Between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 | Within 28 days of appointment |
From 5 April 2022 | Before appointment |
Directors in place prior to 31 October 2022 for Indigenous corporations that are governed by the CATSI Act will be required to apply for a Director ID by 30 November 2023 and those who become eligible officers after 1 November 2022 will need to apply before their appointment.
Application process
The preferred process is to apply for a MyGovID and then apply online using the ABRS website. This may be difficult for some directors including foreign directors but there are alternative application processes available by telephone or paper applications.
We will provide further information in November 2021 once the application process is open. Although we cannot do your application for you, we can assist you in the process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your SW Consultant to gain their assistance and more detailed instructions.
Get in touch
Reach out to your SW advisor or one of our key contacts for any questions about the Director ID’s and/or assistance with the process.