信永中和的专家们将探讨近期税务与会计方面的重大变化,及其可能对您和贵公司产生的影响。Our SW experts will discuss recent significant tax and accounting changes as well as their potential impacts to you and your business. 我们为2023年最后一场全中文税务与会计更新讲座准备了丰富的内容。We have a lot to share at our final Mandarin Tax & Accounting Update for 2023. 税务与会计主题汇总 Summary of tax & accounting topics 专家团队 | Your experts 时炜淞 Vincent Shi董事 Director 张洋 Bessie Zhang 合伙人 Partner 秦建乐 […]
在我们近期的全中文财税更新讲座上,本所专家团队解读了近期主要财税变化,以及这些变化为企业与个人带来的影响与机遇。 At our recent Mandarin Tax and Accounting update, our team of experts discussed the recent key accounting and tax changes, the impact and opportunities that these changes would bring to individuals and businesses 税务与会计主题汇总 Summary of tax & accounting topics 税局新近动向 | Update on ATO activity 转让定价重大更新 | Major transfer pricing update 国际税收完整性措施更新 | Multinational tax […]
我们诚邀您参加我们即将举办的线上讲座,了解近期财务与税法的重大更新可能对贵公司产生的影响,以及回顾近期工党联邦预算案的重要内容。We would like to invite you to join us online at the upcoming Update, where we will be discussing recent significant tax/accounting changes as well as their potential impacts to your business, and a revision of some key announcements from the most recently released Federal Budget by the Labor Government. 税务与会计主题汇总 Summary of tax & […]
Yang is a leader in SW’s national transfer pricing services, with over 17 years’ specialist experience in assisting multinational enterprises with their transfer pricing compliance and advisory. Fluent in English and Mandarin, Yang spent 9 years working at Big 4 firms in both China (Shanghai) and Australia (Perth and Melbourne). During his career, Yang was […]
Last night, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022/23 Federal Budget, setting the Government up for their pre-election. With a May election fast approaching, there was a lot of anticipation that this Federal Budget would provide much needed support for households in managing the cost of living. While borders have opened, many business in several key […]
在我们近期的全中文财税更新讲座上,本所专家团队解读了近期主要财税变化,以及这些变化为企业与个人带来的影响与机遇。 At our recent Mandarin Tax and Accounting update, our team of experts discussed the recent key accounting and tax changes, the impact and opportunities that these changes would bring to individuals and businesses. 税务与会计主题汇总 | Summary of tax & accounting topics 联邦预算解读Federal Budget and key announcements 转让定价重大更新Major Transfer pricing updates 新加坡电信最新转让定价纠纷案Latest TP dispute case (SingTel) 无形资产最新动态Updates on intangible 银行同业拆放利率改革IBOR reform 重大案例回顾 […]
在我们近期的全中文财税更新讲座上,本所专家团队解读了近期主要财税变化,以及这些变化为企业与个人带来的影响与机遇。 At our recent Mandarin Tax and Accounting update, our team of experts discussed the recent key accounting and tax changes, the impact and opportunities that these changes would bring to individuals and businesses. 重点税务与财务事宜更新总汇 | Summary of key tax & accounting matters 联邦预算重点事宜跟进 Follow up on Budget key tax measures 各州疫情补贴汇总/对比 State COVID support overview/comparison […]
Last night Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2021 Federal Budget which was an extension of October’s 2020 COVID-recovery Budget, and focused on job creation and spending for individuals, in the wake of the pandemic. With an election looming, the conservative Budget included few surprises, continuing to give support to some key industries (but not all), […]
Following the release of Australia’s Federal Budget on the evening of 2nd April, this seminar will focus on the tax and accounting impacts resulting from changes announced in the Budget by the Government. The seminar will also contrast these with the Federal Opposition Labour Party’s proposed Tax Policies with our speakers providing their expert analysis on […]
The purpose of our tax and accounting update seminar is to provide tailored assistance to Chinese related entities doing business in Australia and provide on time relevant updates to your businesses. As a result of this, all of our seminar will be in Mandarin. Seminar agenda New Tax Consolidation Integrity Measures Lessons learned from recent […]