2015年移民(IMMI 15/100:合规投资)工具》中关于SIV基金合规资产的规定最近发生了几项变化,其中包括要求基金接受审计,以确定是否满足合规投资框架。 从2021年7月1日起,SIV合规基金的基金经理需要任命一名外部审计师,每年按照合规投资框架对基金进行审计,包括新兴公司部分和平衡投资部分。 基金经理和移民代理也将了解到,重大投资者类别和投资者类别签证的申请人必须按照合规投资框架进行资金投资。 根据《2015年移民(IMMI 15/100:合规投资)工具》的规定,内政部最近对相关要求做出了一些修改,其中包括对合规资产的修改,以及对合规投资框架中的新兴公司部分和平衡投资部分进行年度合规审计。 SIV申请人–您需要做什么? 所有在2021年7月1日之后获提名申请重大投资者签证或投资者签证的申请人都要在其签证申请中附上审计报告,以证明在截至2022年6月30日的一年中以及往后每一年,他们所投资的基金符合合规投资框架的规定。基金经理将提供这些文件。 在没有合规性审计报告的情况下,签证申请被批准的可能性非常小。 SIV基金经理和移民代理——您需要了解什么? 受影响一方 说明 基金经理 基金经理需每年任命一名审计师,对其基金是否满足合规投资框架的规定进行审计。 移民代理 移民代理将成为签证申请人和基金经理之间的沟通渠道,以确保签证申请人办齐所有必要的文件,让签证获得批准。 签证申请人 签证申请人需提交其所投资的所有新兴公司和平衡投资基金的年度审计报告。这项要求将一直持续到其获得永久居留权为止。 信永中和澳大利亚如何帮助您 在我们与整个行业的基金经理广泛合作的基础上,信永中和澳大利亚的专业审计团队完全了解签证申请人、移民代理和基金经理的适用审计要求,并拥有丰富的相关审计工作经验。 我们的SIV基金审计服务为SIV合规基金提供高效率且有实效的审计,以确保这些基金符合《2015年移民(IMMI 15/100:合规投资)工具》所规定的新兴公司和平衡投资部分。 请联系本事务所的SIV审计专家穆芮内和艾汝谧咨询。 基金管理领域的税务专家包括: 池澜滨、谭赛蒙、欧斯迪
With over 14 years’ experience, Michael has significant expertise in cross border transactions between Australia and China, guiding overseas investors through complex business, accounting and tax matters by providing professional and practical solutions. He assists clients with property investment and migration issues across international markets including Hong Kong, China and Macau and provides audit, accounting […]
Last night, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022/23 Federal Budget, setting the Government up for their pre-election. With a May election fast approaching, there was a lot of anticipation that this Federal Budget would provide much needed support for households in managing the cost of living. While borders have opened, many business in several key […]
在我们近期的全中文财税更新讲座上,本所专家团队解读了近期主要财税变化,以及这些变化为企业与个人带来的影响与机遇。 At our recent Mandarin Tax and Accounting update, our team of experts discussed the recent key accounting and tax changes, the impact and opportunities that these changes would bring to individuals and businesses. 税务与会计主题汇总 | Summary of tax & accounting topics 联邦预算解读Federal Budget and key announcements 转让定价重大更新Major Transfer pricing updates 新加坡电信最新转让定价纠纷案Latest TP dispute case (SingTel) 无形资产最新动态Updates on intangible 银行同业拆放利率改革IBOR reform 重大案例回顾 […]
With the Federal election around the corner, how will the Federal Budget support Australia’s economic recovery and encourage sustainable growth? Covid-19 continues to present significant challenges with labour shortages, supply chain issues and inflationary pressures. Australian businesses want to know how Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will tackle our economic recovery. Join us for the 2022/23 Federal […]
在我们近期的全中文财税更新讲座上,本所专家团队解读了近期主要财税变化,以及这些变化为企业与个人带来的影响与机遇。 At our recent Mandarin Tax and Accounting update, our team of experts discussed the recent key accounting and tax changes, the impact and opportunities that these changes would bring to individuals and businesses. 重点税务与财务事宜更新总汇 | Summary of key tax & accounting matters 联邦预算重点事宜跟进 Follow up on Budget key tax measures 各州疫情补贴汇总/对比 State COVID support overview/comparison […]
Last night Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2021 Federal Budget which was an extension of October’s 2020 COVID-recovery Budget, and focused on job creation and spending for individuals, in the wake of the pandemic. With an election looming, the conservative Budget included few surprises, continuing to give support to some key industries (but not all), […]
在我们近期的全中文财税更新讲座上,本所专家团队解读了近期主要财税变化,以及这些变化为企业与个人带来的影响与机遇。 At our recent Mandarin Tax and Accounting update, our team of experts discussed the recent key accounting and tax changes, the impact and opportunities that these changes would bring to individuals and businesses. 重点税务与财务事宜更新总汇 | Summary of key tax & accounting matters 澳大利亚税务局最新税收裁定与指导意见 Recent Key Taxpayer Alerts & Guidance 近期重大税务案件回顾 Recap of key cases 转让定价最新消息 […]
Access all of our recorded Mandarin JobKeeper Payment webinars below. Our experts are providing regular updates, helping businesses to make sense of the initiative as it unfolds. JobKeeper update: 28 July 2020 An extension of the JobKeeper scheme was announced by the Federal Government on Tuesday 21 July 2020. The extended scheme contains significant modifications […]
Following the release of Australia’s Federal Budget on the evening of 2nd April, this seminar will focus on the tax and accounting impacts resulting from changes announced in the Budget by the Government. The seminar will also contrast these with the Federal Opposition Labour Party’s proposed Tax Policies with our speakers providing their expert analysis on […]