
Mandarin webinars: JobKeeper and Government economic stimulus measures

Mandarin webinars: JobKeeper and Government economic stimulus measures


Access all of our recorded Mandarin JobKeeper Payment webinars below. Our experts are providing regular updates, helping businesses to make sense of the initiative as it unfolds.

JobKeeper update: 28 July 2020

An extension of the JobKeeper scheme was announced by the Federal Government on Tuesday 21 July 2020. The extended scheme contains significant modifications to the existing scheme, and we expect only a fraction of current eligible businesses to qualify for JobKeeper payments through to March 2021. Our Mandarin tax and accounting experts are back with you once again to update you on the detail, the practical, the anomalies and to answer questions below.

JobKeeper update: 11 May 2020 

As requirements and details continue to be updated by the ATO in respect to the JobKeeper Payment measure, our Mandarin speaking experts held a webinar on the latest updates to assist Chinese businesses in Australia to understand if and how these measures apply to their business.

In this webinar recording Bessie Zhang, Vincent Shi, Michael Qin, Leo Luan and James Ye covered:

    • PSLA 2020/1 – Commissioner’s discretion to allow further time to register for ABN or provide notice of income
    • One in, All in policy
    • LCR 2020/1 – Decline in Turnover Test
    • Alternative Tests
    • Service entity
    • PCG 2020/4 – Schemes in relation to the JobKeeper Payment

JobKeeper and Government economic stimulus measures: 9 April 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, a whirlwind of announcements and sudden changes have greeted businesses operating in Australia over the last two weeks.

On Thursday 9 April we held a fully Mandarin webinar where our team at ShineWing Australia went through the major measures including the latest changes to the JobKeeper payment, to assist Chinese businesses in Australia to understand if and how these measures apply to their business.

The webinar had over 250 people online and we answered over 80 questions during the session.

In this webinar recording Bessie Zhang, James Ye, Vincent Shi and Leo Luan cover:

  • Overview of the JobKeeper Payment and frequently asked questions
  • Overview of Federal and State based stimulus measures
  • ATO administrative relief 

How we can help

There is likely to be a lot of analysis that each business can do internally with the support of Human Resources and the Finance teams to obtain the JobKeeper Payment. But there are also a number of services that ShineWing Australia can provide in order to maximise legitimate claims and provide integrity checks on the data that will be submitted to the ATO.

If you believe that your business is eligible to receive the payment, please reach out to your ShineWing Australia expert to discuss how we can assist, including support with the following:

Turnover decrease

  • Correct classification
  • Alternative testing / rationale for ATO consideration

Data analytics

    • Employee eligibility
    • Top up payments required
    • Cash flow analysis
  • Integrity check on claims with regard to turnover
  • Applications / notifications

2004 View our latest COVID 19 news and updates2


James Ye
E [email protected]
Vincent Shi
E [email protected]
Bessie Zhang
E [email protected]
Leo Luan
E [email protected]
Matt Birrell
E [email protected]
Simon Tucker
E [email protected]
Andrew Nutman
E [email protected]
Tony Principe
E [email protected]

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