
Export Finance Australia provides additional support to exporters

Export Finance Australia provides additional support to exporters


Export Finance Australia remains open for business to help businesses access the finance they need to keep operating.

At ShineWing Australia we are committed to providing the most current updates and resources to support our clients during this challenging time.

Export Finance Australia is the government’s export credit agency, providing financial expertise and solutions to drive sustainable growth that benefits Australia and their partners. Through their loans, guarantees, bonds and insurance options they enable SMEs, corporates and governments to take on export-related opportunities, and support infrastructure development in the Pacific region and beyond.

If you are an existing customer and have encountered any shipment problems, payment difficulties or business interruptions because of COVID-19 and require flexible repayment arrangements, Export Finance Australia can help you overcome these issues.

Export Finance Australia is already assisting their customers with access to credit and financial relief during the crisis, including:

  • Increasing facilities for customers needing working capital
  • Deferring loan repayments for three months
  • Extending loan terms and working with customers on longer term restructurings
  • Waiving all fees associated with extensions, including legal and documentation fees
  • Waiving late interest and late fees
  • Varying and amending existing facility terms
  • Helping exporters to diversify by allowing new buyers, suppliers and contracts to be added to existing loan facilities.
  • Extending bond expiry dates for delayed projects.

Click here for details on how you can gain support from Australia’s export credit agency.

Get in touch

Danny Armstrong

E [email protected]

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