
Emerging Property Funds Series 2019/20 – Melbourne and Sydney

Emerging Property Funds Series 2019/20 – Melbourne and Sydney


After 2 successful series, we are excited to announce that our Emerging Property Funds Series will be back this year!

We take the lead supporting tomorrow’s leaders with our Emerging Property Fund Series in Melbourne and Sydney.

This interactive five part series is facilitated by our own property funds specialists and industry experts, who will provide strategic insight into property funds management and key issues ranging from structuring, debt and equity through to legal and compliance.

Benefits of attending

  • Learn how to protect your business and personal assets
  • Different approaches to structuring your product
  • Identifying methods to raise your debt and equity capital
  • Market trends in the different asset classes
  • Tax issues arising from different structure
  • Effective exit strategies for your investors

Event details

Date: 5 sessions hosted on a monthly basis starting Wednesday, 23 October 2019 (Melbourne) / Thursday, 24 October 2019 (Sydney)
Time: 5:45pm – 8pm (canapes and refreshments provided)
Melbourne Venue: ShineWing Australia, L10, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne
Sydney Venue: ShineWing Australia, L8, 167 Macquarie Street, Sydney
Format: Interactive class-room style
Cost: $800 per person for the series or group booking for up to 3 people for $1,600 (prices exclude GST)

This includes:

  • Five 2-hour sessions and networking opportunities with speakers and attendees
  • Soft and hard copies of speaker presentations and handouts
  • Automatic inclusion to our Emerging Property Funds Series, including invitations to future networking events

Session topics and dates 

Session 1: Fundamentals for Success, Property Funds – Wednesday, 23 October 2019 (Melbourne) / Thursday, 24 October 2019 (Sydney)

Speakers/Panelists: Howard Brenchley (APN Property Group), Paul Healy (Property Funds Association), Stuart Wilton (Centuria), Steven Bennett (Charter Hall) and Stephen O’Flynn (ShineWing Australia)

This introductory session will provide a brief overview of the series structure. You will hear first-hand from industry specialists the key lessons they’ve learnt, what challenged them the most, what worked, what didn’t and tips on building the right team.

Session 2: Fundamentals for Success, Personal and Business Issues – Wednesday, 27 November 2019 (Melbourne) / Thursday, 28 November 2019 (Sydney)

Please note, the Sydney session will be at 3pm – 5pm on this day.
Speakers/Panelists: Daren McDonald (ShineWing Australia) and Abi Chellapen (ShineWing Australia)
How do you separate your business fund from your personal assets? In this second session you will learn how to protect yourself, your funds and the appropriate ownership structures recommended to protect your investment and maximise your return.

Session 3: Fund Structuring – Wednesday 26 February 2020 (Melbourne) / Thursday27 February 2020 (Sydney)

Speakers/Panelists: David Southon (Aliro Group), Matthew Chun (Development & Property Consultant) and Simon Tucker (ShineWing Australia)
You may have a plan, but do you know which fund structure will give you the best competitive advantage? The industry experts will talk you through the fund structure matrix which covers local and international equity, fee structure and more.

Session 4: Debt and Equity – Wednesday, 25 March 2020 (Melbourne) / Thursday26 March 2020 (Sydney)

Speakers/Panelists: Warren Boothman (Open Corp), John Taylor (Crestone), Dan Freeman (Commonwealth Bank) and Matthew Schofield (ShineWing Australia)
This session covers everything you need to consider and what to avoid in modern-day financing. Identify both the traditional and alternative methods for obtaining funding, how to strike a deal with the banks and how best to raise your debt and equity.

Session 5: Legal, Regulatory and Compliance – Wednesday 22 April 2020 (Melbourne) / Thursday, 23 April 2020 (Sydney)

Speakers/Panelists: Legal advisor, Rene Muller (ShineWing Australia) and Rami Eltchelebi (ShineWing Australia)
Ensuring your i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed are important for the property funds management industry. Our experts will talk you through the documentation and practical application involved in your fund set-up and provide tips on avoiding common pit-falls to ensure you stay compliant.\

More information

Know someone interested in property fund management? You are welcome to direct any interested property professionals to this web page or to the ShineWing Australia Marketing team via

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