Clean energy assurance
In the evolving landscape of Environmental Social Governance (ESG) considerations, our services are designed to assist clients in navigating the complexities of sustainability-related initiatives.
We collaborate with seasoned scientists and subject matter experts to deliver a wide spectrum of sustainability-focused solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs.
We have an accredited auditor who is registered under the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator, Greenhouse and Energy Auditor (Category 2) under 75A of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007. He has been providing assurance services as a Category 2 auditor since 2012.
Governance and advisory
- Governance frameworks
- ESG strategy and policies
- Climate risk management framework
- Climate risk register
- Sustainability reporting compliance framework
- Sustainability policies
Identification of risks and opportunities
- Stakeholder identification engagement
- Materiality assessment
- Current state / baseline analysis
- Develop a roadmap / plan
Design and implementation of systems and processes
- Systems required to capture data for sustainability reporting including:
- HR data
- Corporate-wide data
- Marketing information
- Data captured about customers and suppliers
- CO2 data reported will need to be measured
- Reliance on experts where required
Reporting and assurance
- Sustainability report
- Assurance over sustainability reporting
- Sustainable finance reporting and assurance
- IFRS advisory
- IFRS advisory and assurance services over Australian Carbon Credit scheme
Proven clean energy assurance experience
Our comprehensive range of audit and assurance services covers all schemes overseen by the Clean Energy Regulator and Climate Active including:
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
- Emissions Reduction Fund
- Soil carbon
- Savanna fire management
- Reforestation projects
- Renewable Energy Target
- Safeguard mechanism
- Emissions intensive trade exposed
- Climate Active verification audits
- Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
These assurance services focus on the following key aspects:
- Verification of reported emissions reductions data to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- Reviewing carbon abatement estimation tools, such as SavCAM, FullCam, GIS abilities
- Review interaction with the guarantee of origin (GO) scheme and offsets integrity standards
- Verification of project activities to ensure they meet the eligibility requirements under the ERF
- Identification and reporting of any potential non-compliance issues that may arise during the auditing process
- Providing guidance and support to help businesses navigate the reporting and auditing requirements under the ERF
- Our expertise in auditing for the clean energy sector allows us to help businesses meet their compliance obligations under the ERF and contribute to Australia’s emissions reduction goals.