Are you and your business across the latest superannuation changes come 1 July 2022? With so much change going on for business, Sharon Burke and Janelle McPhee spent time running through the latest superannuation impacts that all businesses need to know before 1 July 2022. There were several modifications to superannuation designed to make it […]
From 1 July 2022, there will be several changes to superannuation designed to make it easier for people to grow retirement savings and create opportunities for those who are younger, older and low-income earners. A number of changes are being implemented that will affect who is required to be paid superannuation, the Super Guarantee (SG) […]
Last night, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022/23 Federal Budget, setting the Government up for their pre-election. With a May election fast approaching, there was a lot of anticipation that this Federal Budget would provide much needed support for households in managing the cost of living. While borders have opened, many business in several key […]
At our annual Employment Taxes update for the Not-for-profit, Government and Corporate sectors we reviewed the latest tax news and the employment taxes impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. During these webinars our tax experts provided an update on: New and topical developments including recent cases and ATO FBT compliance activity FBT recap and hot topics […]
Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are not for everyone, but for those individuals where an SMSF is entirely appropriate for them, the benefits can be considerable. In the context of ongoing public debate regarding the appropriate minimum size for an SMSF, new research has been provided to provide insights into the true costs of running […]
In the 2020-2021 Federal Budget, the Government announced the Super Reforms – Your Future, Your Super measure. A measure aiming to reduce employees accumulating multiple super accounts when moving jobs. These changes will come into effect from 1 November 2021. What is Super Stapling? Currently, where an employee does not nominate a complying superannuation fund, […]
You’ll have an extra step to take if you have new employees who start from 1 November 2021 and they don’t choose a super fund. You may now need to request their ‘stapled super fund’ details from the Australian Tax Office (ATO). A stapled super fund is an existing super account of an employee that […]
The Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate will increase to 10% from 1 July 2021 under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (SGAA) and will rise by 0.5% per year until it reaches 12% by FY 2025. Employers need to start planning now for the change in the superannuation contributions. Total remuneration package Where employees are […]
The latest AWOTE details released by the ABS have been used to calculate the following superannuation rates and thresholds for 2021-22. Contribution caps The concessional contributions cap is set to increase to $27,500 (up from $25,000 since 2017-18). As the concessional cap is now only indexed in $2,500 increments, the AWOTE index was (finally) sufficient […]
Last night Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2021 Federal Budget which was an extension of October’s 2020 COVID-recovery Budget, and focused on job creation and spending for individuals, in the wake of the pandemic. With an election looming, the conservative Budget included few surprises, continuing to give support to some key industries (but not all), […]