
International Mining and Resources Conference 2022

International Mining and Resources Conference 2022


For the first time in over three years, the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) is welcoming attendees in person – this year, in Sydney.

SW is proud to be part of the conversation at IMARC for the fifth time, taking the lead on sustainable and equitable futures by sponsoring the Investment Theatre.

With a global focus on the energy transition, key themes at the conference will look at how mining and resources are accelerating the energy transition, the different decarbonisation solutions and strategies available to market, the role of renewables and hydrogen, and the ever growing investment and support for critical and future facing minerals.

Rick Hemphill, John Dorazio and Blayney Morgan will be introducing critical minerals and mining companies to the stage in the Mines & Money Investment Theatre, and the team will facilitate several panels as detailed below.

Reimagining the future and reinventing the way we approach it.

Panel discussions

11.55am Wed 2 November | Mines & Money Investment Theatre

Interviewer: Bessie Zhang, Partner, Assurance & Advisory, SW Accountants & Advisors

Interviewees: Owen Hegarty, Executive Chairman, EMR Capital

Jacqueline Murray, Partner, Investment Team Leader, Resource Capital Funds

David Sun, Managing Director, Sinosteel Australia

Top ESG Considerations when Investing and Financing Mining Projects

2.55pm Wed 2 November | Mines & Money Investment Theatre

Interviewer: Matthew Schofield, Director, Head of Corporate Finance, SW Accountants & Advisors

Interviewees: Scot Sobey, Investment Director, Pacific Road Capital

Jamie Strauss, Chief Executive Officer, Digbee

Andrew Irvine, Legal and Corporate Engagement Director, EITI

12.05pm Fri 4 November | Mines & Money Investment Theatre

Interviewer: Blayney Morgan, Partner, Assurance & Advisory, SW Accountants & Advisors

Interviewees: Loic Mackosso, Founder and Managing Partner, ARIES Investissements

James Morrison, Managing Director, Regal Resources Royalties Fund

Christofer Catania, Chief Executive Officer, MEC Mining

Connect with the SW Accountants & Advisors team on the IMARC Connect app or in person next week to see how we can #opendoors for your business.

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