Join our 2022 Tax Effect Accounting seminar to ensure you are up to date with the key tax changes and impact of new accounting standards. This year our online seminar was brought to you in an interactive format with SW expert Daren Yeoh, Tax Director. Hear from Daren as he provided an update on the […]
我们诚邀您参加我们即将举办的线上讲座,了解近期财务与税法的重大更新可能对贵公司产生的影响,以及回顾近期工党联邦预算案的重要内容。We would like to invite you to join us online at the upcoming Update, where we will be discussing recent significant tax/accounting changes as well as their potential impacts to your business, and a revision of some key announcements from the most recently released Federal Budget by the Labor Government. 税务与会计主题汇总 Summary of tax & […]
Our 2022 Financial Reporting webinar series will run across four interactive sessions presented by accounting experts. This year, the series will be delivered online, and sessions are spread across the year with a focus on topics of particular relevance and importance to our clients in 2022, and also provide you with a general update on […]
在我们近期的全中文财税更新讲座上,本所专家团队解读了近期主要财税变化,以及这些变化为企业与个人带来的影响与机遇。 At our recent Mandarin Tax and Accounting update, our team of experts discussed the recent key accounting and tax changes, the impact and opportunities that these changes would bring to individuals and businesses. 税务与会计主题汇总 | Summary of tax & accounting topics 联邦预算解读Federal Budget and key announcements 转让定价重大更新Major Transfer pricing updates 新加坡电信最新转让定价纠纷案Latest TP dispute case (SingTel) 无形资产最新动态Updates on intangible 银行同业拆放利率改革IBOR reform 重大案例回顾 […]
Whether your company is grappling with the risks posed by a global market, nurturing a business in a local market or need assurance that your financial information is accurate and your compliance requirements are met, our assurance advisors will work with you to review your business operations, books and records and financial viability to help […]
Our specialised services are tailored to meet your specific strategic, operational, reputational, financial, regulatory and technology risk needs. Using international standards to ensure a risk-based methodology, we understand that better practices need to be practically applied and proportionate to the nature of the risk and your organisation’s risk appetite. We are highly experienced in engaging […]
Duane Rogers is the CEO of SW. He leads the development and implementation of the firm’s strategy and is responsible for integrating all firm operations. Duane oversees the Executive Committee, which is responsible for implementing the strategic priorities, business plans and workplace strategies across the firm. Duane was appointed CEO following six years as both […]
Blayney has an extensive history of delivering assurance services to clients across a broad range of industries including the agribusiness, energy and resources, and health and aged care sectors. He is also a leading advisor on Australian-Sino transactions, having worked on some of the largest direct investments into Australia from China. Blayney values building long-term, […]
The hospitality and gaming industry (THG) covers a diverse range of sectors like gaming, lottery, hospitality and tourism. We bring a strong foundation of knowledge and expertise, providing tailored, sector-specific solutions for your business. Within the gaming sector, our expertise spans the areas of independent operational analysis and review, auditing, business continuity planning, debt and […]
With Australia’s increasing infrastructure pipeline and property needs, our SW Property & Infrastructure experts can help you navigate your risk management, financial and regulatory needs. The Australian property and construction sector’s growth has softened due to rising borrowing costs and supply chain disruptions. Commercial developments have been impacted through decreased demand for office spaces and […]